
Beniamine, S. Aigro, M. Baerman, M. Bouton, J. Copot, M. (2024) Eesthetic: A Paralex Lexicon of Estonian Paradigms. Proceedings of the Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024): 5526-5537. Link to the article, Dataset of Estonian words in phonemic notation.

Aigro, M. Vihman, V (2024) Preferences in the use of overabundance: predictors of lexical bias in Estonian. Cognitive Linguistics, available online. Link to the article, Data for the study

Aigro, M; Vihman, V (2024) Oblique complements in Estonian: A corpus perspective. Journal of Linguistics 60(1): 129-159. Link to article.

Aigro, M; Vihman, V (2023) Realised overabundance in Estonian noun paradigms: A corpus approach. Word Structure 16 (2-3): 154-175. Link to article, data for the study

Proos, M; Aigro, M (2023) Concreteness ratings for 36,000 Estonian words. Behavior Research Methods, available online. Link to article, data for the study

Aigro, M; Vihman, V (2023) Täitsa lambist: Evidence of ongoing case grammaticalisation from teenagers’ and adults’ spoken language. Journal of Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics. Vol 14 (2), 297-320. Link to article.

Aigro, M; Proos, M (2022) Konkreetsushinnangute kogumine eestikeelsetele sõnadele [Collecting concreteness ratings for Estonian words]. Estonian Papers in Applied Linguistics 18: 5-20. Link to article.

Aigro, M (2020) Polar Question Particles and Their Sources: A Semantic Approach to Grammaticalization. Proceedings of the Philological Society 118 (2): 237-253. Link to article.

Aigro, M (2018) Kvantitatiivne pööre — vana tüli uues kuues [Quantitative shift: An old quarrel revived]. Keel ja Kirjandus 8-9: 747-764. Link to article.

Popular science

Aigro, M (2023) Mis saab siis, kui tegusõnad tõmbavad ligi kohakäändeid? [What happens when verbs attract spacial cases]. Oma keel 2: 23-30. Link to article.

Ph.D thesis

In December 2022 I defended my thesis ‘In any case? Estonian spatial cases as argument markers’ at the University of Tartu. It tackled three subtopics on the subject: 1) semantics of verbs selecting non-canonical arguments, 2) degrees of grammaticalisation of cases marking non-canonical arguments and 3) the quality of argument status in non-canonical arguments as well as other spatial case marked phrases.

Download it here.

selected talks

Mari Aigro (2023) Elusive argumenthood: Mapping argument status gradience along dimension-specific criteria. 56th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea Annual (SLE, Athens).

Mari Aigro (2023) Estonian verbal arguments in spatial cases — A multiperspective study. Surrey Linguistics Circle (University of Surrey, Zoom)

Mari Aigro (2023) Estonian verbal arguments in spatial cases. Measuring case grammaticalization synchronically. Explaining the Cross-linguistic Distribution of Argument-coding Patterns (Potsdam)

Mari Aigro, Virve-Anneli Vihman (2022) Morphological overabundance: Systemic and idiosyncratic factors in the use of parallel forms. International Morphology Meeting 2022 (Budapest)

Mari Aigro (2019) Locative arguments in Estonian and the argument continuum. Grammar and Cognition colloquium, Radboud University (Nijmegen)

Mari Aigro, Virve-Anneli Vihman (2018) Locative verbal complements in Estonian: A corpus approach. Annual Meeting of LAGB (Sheffield)

Mari Aigro (2018) Locative verbal complements in Estonian. SLE 51 (Tallinn)

Mari Aigro (2017) A diachronic study of the homophony between polar question particles and coordinators in Estonian. ICLC 14 (Tartu)

Mari Aigro (2017) A diachronic study of the homophony between polar question particles and coordinators. Contextualizing Historical Lexicology (Helsinki)

Mari Aigro (2016) The syntax of the Estonian initial polar question particle ‘kas’. ULAB 6 (Aberdeen)