Feast and Famine: Confronting Overabundance and Defectivity in Language (2020-2023)
I am a Junior Researcher on a project looking at how people acquire and make sense of “messy” linguistic data. The project is funded by the UK’s Arts and Humanities Research Council. See more on the homepage.

Teen speak in Estonia (2020-2023)
I am a Researcher in this project funded by the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research, responsible for the assembly of two corpora. One of them includes chat texts by teenagers, the other is made up of spoken discussion transcripts. See more on the homepage.

The abstractness and concreteness of Estonian words (2020-2022)
Mariann Proos and I are co-PIs on a project using an online experiment form to collect abstractness-concreteness ratings for 36 000 Estonian lemmas. The project is funded by the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research. See more on the homepage.